Women & Family Life Center assists many families that would otherwise have no place to turn for help. Contact us for immediate assistance or more information.
All of the Women & Family Life Center services are open to anyone regardless of income, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability from any of the following 14 towns that we serve. All services offered by Women & Family Life Center are at no additional cost to our participants!
Towns that Women & Family Life Center serve are Branford, Chester, Clinton, Deep River, *NEW* Durham, East Haven, Essex, Guilford, Killingworth, Madison, North Branford, North Haven, Old Saybrook and Westbrook.
Next Session: Wednesday, September 4th at 6:00 PM
ADAPT is a workshop designed to provide a comprehensive overview of divorce to help participants acquire the tools needed to make the best choices for themselves and their families. An expert in divorce and family law guides participants through the types of divorce, the paperwork to collect, and the questions to ask. Empowered with this knowledge, participants can more confidently navigate this significant life change.
Four Sessions starting every other Tuesday, September 10th from
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
Four Session Support Group:
September 10th
September 24th
October 8th
October 22nd
RESTART is a divorce group facilitated by Thea Bourke Martin, JD who is a relationship and divorce coach.
Eight Sessions starting Wednesday, October 7th from
10:30 AM-12:00 PM
W&FLC Carriage House
October 7th
October 21st
October 28th
November 4th
November 11th
November 18th
November 25th
December 2nd
Our bereavement group is for anyone who has experienced the passing of a loved one and is still working through their grief. The support group will guide participants in shared discussions on dealing with life after the death of someone close to you. Individuals will learn about types of grief, coping skills, self-care and self-love suggestions. Participants will also be introduced to the concept of listening to one's "inner self," working through the many emotions of grief, what the future will look like, and much more.
Six Sessions starting Monday, October 21st from
1:00-2:30 PM
W&FLC Carriage House
October 21st
October 28th
November 4th
November 11th
November 18th
November 25th
This 6-week group, led by Dr. Margo Merin will be a place where participants will be able to acquire the ability to minimize less productive responses and maximize and implement well-thought-through skills for issues management resolutions. The objective of this group is for participants to be supported and guided as they identify, based on their personal circumstances, what they believe is preventing them from experiencing their imagined “best life. Participants how they can manage these issue(s) in more efficient ways that will enable them to progress and implementing basic coping strategies.
GAP provides personalized support and referrals for individuals facing difficult life challenges. The Center’s Referral Navigators work to directly connect participants to community resources spanning crisis services, social services, mental health, financial and legal services. Through GAP, a participant learns how to outline their personal or family needs and to create an action plan. GAP is a unique service, not offered at any other organization on the Shoreline.
For more information or to make an appointment with a Referral Navigator please call 203-458-6699 or email at info@womenandfamilylife.org
Lawyer Time offers individuals the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a volunteer attorney to discuss legal questions and to better understand one’s personal rights and the legal process. Attorneys can discuss most civil matters.
*W&FLC does not provide pro bono services or legal representation.*
For more information or to make an appointment with an attorney please call 203-458-6699 or email info@womenandfamilylife.org
Please note: Lawyer Time appointments are booking out 1-2 months in advance, and are on a first come, first serve basis, depending on the topic. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Achieve is a career program that offers participants the chance to meet in one-on-one consultations with seasoned experts who will provide comprehensive guidance in key areas of career advancement.
Experts can review the following:
For more information or to make an appointment for Achieve, please call 203-458-6699 or email us at info@womenandfamilylife.org
Safe Search is a program that allows participants and walk-ins needing a safe place to use a phone or access the internet. Individuals have access to a computer, the internet, phone, printer, scanner, copier, and fax machine. Safe Search is a time and place where individuals can call counselors, and lawyers, research jobs, and revise and print a resume. We also offer a secure location to keep documents for future use.
To utilize Safe Search stop by Women & Family Life Center Monday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm
For more information please call 203-458-6699 or email at info@womenandfamilylife.org
W&FLC spearheads the SDVSATF and includes a group of informed non-profit agencies, municipal offices, and private practitioners. The mission of the Task Force is to provide education, coordinate resources, and aids in preventing domestic violence and sexual assault across Shoreline communities. The Task Force hosts an annual Legislative Roundtable with state and local legislators representing Shoreline Towns to discuss key legislative issues pertinent to the work of domestic violence and sexual assault crisis services.
For more information or to join SDVSATF, please call 203-458-6699 or email at info@womenandfamilylife.org
The Women & Family Life Center partners with the Beth El Center to offer Shoreline Housing Diversion every other Wednesday. A Shoreline Diversion Specialist can provide a shortcut to completing a CAN assessment (an assessment and referral process for people experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness) as well as offer resources from the shoreline communities besides calling 211 and can add those in need to the Connecticut shelter waitlist. You can meet with a Shoreline Diversion Specialist at the Women and Family Life Center on Wednesdays from 9 am to 4 pm, where walk-in assistance is offered.
The Shoreline Housing Diversion Specialist provides time-limited case management to participants accessing the Greater New Haven CAN who are not currently receiving housing-related case management services in the 14 towns we serve.
The goal is to divert clients from entering shelters whenever safe and appropriate. Participants are referred to and linked to all relevant resources as quickly as possible, including emergency shelter openings when no viable diversion plan is actualized. Participates must provide the requested documents and work alongside the Shoreline Housing Diversion Specialist to be diverted from homelessness.
Meet individually with a volunteer
Financial Consults offers participants one-on-one appointments with a volunteer Financial Coach to review finances and help those involved take control of their economic independence and success. Topics include budgeting, divorce, finances, debt, death claims paperwork, and more. For more information or to make an appointment with an financial coach please call 203-458-6699 or email at info@womenandfamilylife.org
If you are a provider, agency, or other professional looking to refer a client for services to W&FLC, click the button below to bring you to our Agency Referral Form page!
Women & Family Life Center
96 Fair Street
Guilford, Connecticut 06437
Email: info@womenandfamilylife.org
Phone: (203) 458-6699
Fax: (203) 458-0616
Copyright © 2022 Women & Family Life Center - All Rights Reserved.
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